Beginners, brace yourselves! This ATOMIC square packs a punch at 150mg THC per piece—definitely not for the faint-hearted! Whether you’re sharing with a friend or taking on this adventure solo, you’re in for a wild ride. Take a whole square now or save some for later—guidelines on the gummy let you split it into 2 or 4 triangles to find your perfect dose. Enjoy and stay ripped!
Red – Watermelon
Orange – Tangerine
Yellow – Passion Fruit
Green – Green Apple
DISCLAIMER: **As the warm weather approaches, please order concentrates and edibles such as shatter, gummies, baked goods and chocolates at your own risk as it may melt during transit. Since we have no control over the conditions during transit or delivery, please understand that we are not responsible for melted products. We apologize for this inconvenience and we appreciate your continued support.**
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