Whether or not you realize it, anxiety affects you every single day in one way or another. It’s almost impossible to be completely stress-free 24/7, which is why anxiety manifests itself so frequently in the general population. The trouble with anxiety is that it can be so tricky to manage. It comes and goes on its own schedule, and there’s no telling when it might strike next. On top of that, some forms of anxiety are more difficult to overcome than others. That’s where cannabis comes in as one of the most useful anxiolytic remedies available today.
What is Anxiety?
Anxiety is a psychological disorder that affects millions of people. Some people experience mild anxiety from time to time and never seek treatment, whereas others struggle daily with debilitating levels of the disease. Anxiety can be sudden and intense, or chronic and constant, but it’s always an emotional response to a situation or event outside of your control. While it can be caused by many different things, anxiety is most commonly linked to stress or emotional trauma. Although anxiety can be very debilitating and even deadly, it is possible to learn to control your anxiety with the right treatment. Many people turn to cannabis for this very reason. There are many benefits to consuming cannabis for anxiety. The cannabinoids found in cannabis are thought to have therapeutic properties that can help with anxiety. THC, CBD, and other compounds in cannabis interact with receptors in the brain to create a feeling of relaxation. CBD and THC are also believed to provide anti-inflammatory properties that can help with anxiety.
How does cannabis help with anxiety?
Cannabis is a very versatile plant, and it can be used in many different ways. When consumed raw, as hemp oil or leaf, it’s not really helpful for anxiety. The most common way people consume cannabis these days is through edibles or oils, which can be easily consumed at home. When consumed, cannabinoids like CBD and THC diffuse through the digestive system and enter the blood, where they are then carried throughout the body and brain. The endocannabinoid system that cannabinoids interact with in the brain plays a very important role in mood and behavior, so when you consume them, they can have a wide range of effects on your mental state. Because of this, you can use them as a way to self-treat anxiety.
Which cannabis strains help with anxiety?
Cannabis has been used as an anxiolytic remedy for thousands of years. Every plant has its own “chemistry” that affects the human body, and there are many strains of cannabis that are specifically bred to help with anxiety. There are many different strains that can be used for anxiety, but there are a few that stand out as being particularly useful.
- Ganja: This hybrid strain has been used to treat a variety of conditions, including anxiety, but is most commonly used to combat stress and alleviate symptoms of PTSD. It’s an excellent all-around strain that can be easily grown at home. You can expect a high level of THC and a low level of CBD.
- Blue Dream: This strain is highly sought after for its intense yet smooth high that is ideal for treating anxiety. It’s known for its relaxing indica effects coupled with a low level of THC and a high level of CBD.
The therapeutic effects of cannabis for anxiety have been studied extensively and the evidence clearly shows that it can provide relief from symptoms of anxiety. Cannabis should not be seen as a substitute for seeking professional help, but rather as a supplement to traditional forms of treatment. If you are interested in trying cannabis, visit BCMedichronic.co online dispensary today.