th, 2018, Canada’s Senate voted in favor of marijuana legalization with a 56-30 majority vote. Legal sales are set to begin nationwide on October 17th of this year. It’s no surprise that marijuana stocks surged the following day. With this great change, we’re excited for what that means for our future as an online dispensary in Canada. Canada’s Senate was one of the final obstacles standing in the way of this great advance. But, in mid-June, we overcame that obstacle as a nation. Now, we are on the road to positive change in the world of medicine. There are still amendments that need to be considered by the House of Commons. But, the in-favor vote cleared a major hurdle in the fight to legalize national use of marijuana.
Senate Bill C-45 “The Cannabis Act”

What Does Legalization Mean for Our Dispensary in Canada?
Of course, the legalization of marijuana in Canada will have a positive impact on our overall business. But, our business is more than just a way to make a living. We truly believe in the healthy outcomes that are produced with the use of marijuana to heal both physical and mental disease. As we lift the limits of marijuana use, we open the door to additional research and an answer to many of the biggest questions about the true impact of medicinal marijuana. While there are many areas of use where research needs to be conducted for us to know the true impact of marijuana use, there are some health benefits that can be scientifically proven through medicinal marijuana. As a dispensary in Canada, we work hard to continually educate ourselves on the advances in marijuana research, uses, and effects. We look forward to continued education and research and keep the doors open to new ways to deliver to our patients.Health Effects of Medicinal Marijuana

What we do know is that the health effects of medicinal marijuana include:
- Treatment for chronic pain
- Reduction of muscle spasms
- Improved lung capacity
- Treatment of glaucoma
- Control of epileptic seizures
- Decreased symptoms of Dravet’s Syndrome, a severe seizure disorder
- Prevention of the spreading of cancer
- Decreased anxiety
- Slowing the progression of Alzheimer’s
- Ease of pain from multiple sclerosis
- Lowered side effects and increased effectiveness of Hepatitis C treatment
- Help with Inflammatory Bowel Disease
- Arthritis discomfort relief
- Decrease in obesity
- Improved response to sugar consumption
- Helps soothe Parkinson’s tremors
- Relief for those suffering PTSD
- Elimination of nightmares that can lead to further mental health issues
- Reduction of pain and nausea associated with chemotherapy
- Assistance with reducing alcohol dependency
- Reduction in the amount of opioid overdose deaths