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Medical Marijuana Legalization: Will Supply Meet Demand?

What Can Be Done for Medical Marijuana?

With less than a year from now until the projected legalization of marijuana for recreational use, the key is to act swiftly. While there are talks about consultations with the general public regarding the rules of using medical marijuana in Canada and recreational marijuana next year (which covers topics such as age, possession limits, and distribution), the supply issue should also be given additional focus if only for the sole reason of preventing the black market from flourishing.
Here are some suggestions:

  1. Allocate land resources for more cultivators. If every state or province is given a directive to allocate land use for cultivating marijuana, that should definitely do a lot to increase production between now and mid next year.
  2. Provide tax breaks and incentives for those who seek join this industry and abide by the federal laws that surround it. While there are many people who would like to grow marijuana or sell cannabis products through online dispensaries like BC Medi Chronic, the surrounding taxes and the amount of paperwork can be daunting for those who do not have the time or gumption to go through them. Making this easier without sacrificing on quality control will spread out the responsibility and at the same time, make significant results in spurring the economy.
  3. Streamline the licensing process. If the process of granting federal licenses that allow individuals or companies to grow medical marijuana and produce recreational cannabis products is a long and lengthy one, this should be trimmed down to create a faster turnover rate. Furthermore, license holders should also be given a higher maximum production capacity so the cost of their products can be significantly lowered, and thus discourage the purchase from the black market at exorbitant prices.
  4. Push for innovations in cannabis products. What really has a significant effect on the supply of marijuana is the purchase of the actual leaves or oils themselves, which are the purest and most potent of all types. Luckily, the influx of cannabis products in the form of candies, edibles, tinctures and topicals that you can get from online dispensaries and several brick and mortar stores is also fast gaining in popularity. Thus, promoting these products will mean having more products on market shelves that do not necessarily have to have the same amount of THC as with pure products.
  5. Create more marketing for other cannabis products. For many recreational users and would-be recreational users, the novelty of marijuana products is what keeps then interested. It would be very helpful to create and launch a compelling marketing strategy to promote these products as a better alternative to medical marijuana to service a growing demand while preserving the medical marijuana for those who really need it.

There are more things that can be discussed and implemented in order to make things go as smoothly as possible when recreational use becomes legal next year, and the good news is that people are more than willing to do so. Perhaps the biggest chunk of the general populace’s confidence is coming from the fact that the government itself is basically set on making things happen, which is a great sign that Canada is ready to take this industry to the next level not just for the benefit of the people who need and want it, but to the advantage of the entire Canadian economy as well. What only needs to be done now is to prepare for the coming demand and to continue ensuring that supply will be kept available once legalization for its recreational use has been passed.]]>

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