BC Medi Chronic

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Great Changes to Canada’s Medical Marijuana Program

Policies That Are Sure to Stay for Canada’s Medical Marijuana

First things first: there are definitely some things that will still be required for the moment. This includes procuring medical documents that are signed by the attending doctor to signify one’s need for marijuana products from dispensaries like BC Medi Chronic. The second one is to maintain the courier style of delivery of these products, which are ordered online. Again, these products can be obtained only through trusted sources such as online dispensaries.

New Changes to be Expected

On the other hand, there are a few yet significant changes that one can expect once things get further ironed out:
First, patients will be allowed to transfer medical marijuana-related document from one licensed producer to another. If you are not satisfied with your current licensed producer, the current rule states that you have to meet with your doctor and have him issue you a new recommendation for medical marijuana in Canada. Then, you will have to send this new recommendation to your licensed producer of choice because the previous one will stay with the licensed producer you used to transact with.
This entire procedure is doing more harm than good and is turning out to be a big hassle, costing patients time, money and effort to facilitate – which is why the government is making well-appreciated efforts to make things a lot simpler. The new proposal states that licensed producers who have your medical marijuana document will be required to send it back to you in case you choose to cancel your registration. With this, you are then free to transfer the said document to a licensed producer that you now prefer to transact with.
Second, registration delays will no longer eat up your period-of-use. Another proposal that will patients will surely find acceptable is that the prescribed period of use can start on the exact date the person gets registered to purchase cannabis products or medical marijuana in online dispensaries like BC Medi Chronic. At the moment, this period starts right on the date that your doctor signs your document. It usually lasts for a maximum of 12 months before you have to get the paperwork renewed. Waiting for registration sometimes takes a while, given the lines and all the applications one needs to process. This can result in a significant amount of time being eaten up, and thereby wasted.
The changes in one’s start date will certainly be very helpful in cases where in a particular patient will only need a short duration of use, and then the licensed producer (for some reason) takes more time than usual to process and register your document.
Such a change will also be applicable to people who choose to send their personal medical marijuana document straight to Health Canada so they can apply for a registry to cultivate their own cannabis instead of getting their medical marijuana from a licensed producer. The delays usually experienced in this situation are more less the same: that your start date gets eaten up as you wait for your cannabis cultivation recommendation to be approved by Health Canada.
And finally, the 30-day limitation is to be removed. After quite a while, the government is finally proposing to eliminate the 30-day limitation for purchasing cannabis products from dispensaries like BC Medi Chronic. At the moment, the most that patients can order are products that are only good for one month’s medical consumption for every 30-day period. Because of this, the tendency for some is to run out of their medical marijuana supply and endure more waiting time until they are then able to order the supply that they need for the following month. With the proposed removal of this 30-day limitation, patients will then have better and freer access to the medicine that they need.

Responding to Calls and Concerns

These three changes might seem like just the tip of the iceberg in terms of what can really be done to improve the system of medical marijuana in Canada, but one has to admit that it is very much appreciated and will make small but significant changes in patients’ everyday lives. Such reforms take into consideration the current challenges that patients experience at the moment, so it is heartwarming to know that the government really listens and makes attempts to rectify some aspects of the situation – even if it will take a bit of time to get things moving from consultations to final approval.
While more reforms will surely be talked about in the future – such as the possibility of retail accessible cannabis products – these revisions already have a lot of fans not just in terms of the patients who are in need of medical marijuana in Canada but online dispensaries like BC Medi Chronic as well. For those who are looking into utilizing medical marijuana to solve their own chronic ailments, it is suggested that they meet with their doctors and finally get their prescriptions and recommendations in order so they too can benefit from this all natural medication.]]>

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