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THC Oil Capsules

(1 customer review)


Each of the THC Oil Capsules contain 10-100mg of cannabis concentrate, THC depending on which amount you select. Each capsule contains concentrated oil that is rendered from cannabis – also known as “phoenix tears” – are a very strong medicine used to alleviate the symptoms of chronic illnesses, such as cancers, AIDS/HIV and diabetes. Furthermore, …

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Each of the THC Oil Capsules contain 10-100mg of cannabis concentrate, THC depending on which amount you select. Each capsule contains concentrated oil that is rendered from cannabis – also known as “phoenix tears” – are a very strong medicine used to alleviate the symptoms of chronic illnesses, such as cancers, AIDS/HIV and diabetes. Furthermore, phoenix tear oil soothes the effects of radiotherapy/chemotherapy for patients in recovery. Higher dosage is recommended for late stage illnesses to combat severe pain, nausea, weight loss from treatments, but new patients should slowly work their way up to this dosage, as the concentration is very potent.

Medicinal Benefits:

  • Appetite Stimulant
  • Chronic Or Severe Pain
  • Nausea and Vomiting

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