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Rolex Hash

(3 customer reviews)


Rolex Hash is a premium grade hash imported from Morocco. Often regarded as one of the highest-quality producers of hash, Morocco is especially known for their hash and this hash has an aroma that is defined by a subtle sweetness and a sharp, spicy kick. This indica dominant hash is hard, non-pliable by touch and …

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More Information

Rolex Hash is a premium grade hash imported from Morocco. Often regarded as one of the highest-quality producers of hash, Morocco is especially known for their hash and this hash has an aroma that is defined by a subtle sweetness and a sharp, spicy kick. This indica dominant hash is hard, non-pliable by touch and can be shaved or broken off into chunks and then lightly heated and flaked with a lighter for smoking.

What is hash?
It is a cannabis concentrate that is made by separating trichomes from the plant material and then forming the resulting resin into a coherent mass.

How to use hash?
Hash can be smoked by rolling it into a blunt or consuming it in an edible by decarbing it. You may also smoke it in a bong or a pipe.

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1g, 3.5g, 7g, 14g, 28g

3 reviews for Rolex Hash

  1. Anonymous

    Great stuff. Really comparable to the habibi one but this is more a body buzz than usual. Overall great stuff taste spicey and peppery.

  2. Anonymous (verified owner)

    It is not blonde hash its alot like the habi little more like the Vancouver hard hash it’s ok but if you’re a blonde hash guy this is not it

  3. Anonymous (verified owner)

    Love it, just like Montreal hash from the 80’s

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Cannabis has both medicinal and recreational benefits. Medicinally it is most famous for relieving pain, stress, and insomnia. It may also improve mood and appetite. Every strain has a unique cannabinoid and terpene profile, which leads to distinctive therapeutic value and experiential effects. For those looking for a recreational experience, look for strains with THC — the only known cannabinoid with psychotropic effects.










What are Concentrates?

The term ‘concentrate’ describes a condensed cannabis product, which has typically gone through an extraction process using solvents. While cannabis flowers can reach upwards of 25 percent cannabinoid content, concentrates can reach over 90 percent potency. Depending on the extraction technique, concentrates may capture a full spectrum of therapeutic compounds or single out specific cannabinoids. A concentrate is the essence of the plant, distilled into a beautiful and effective medicine.

Where to Start? Shatters, Sugars, and Sauces

The extraction technique and original plant material have a lot to do with the color, texture, and potency of the final product. Need a few examples? Shatters are snappy, bright, and extremely potent. Sugars are crystallized, highly textured, and usually cloudy. Sauces (also called terp sauce) have a thinner consistency, with a higher flavor profile thanks to the terpene content. Waxes and budders are thicker, spreadable, and opaque. Everyone has a preference, and it’s well worth a little experimentation as you fall in love with these highly potent products.

The Concentrate Experience

Cannabis concentrates reduce the raw plant material into a more condensed and powerful product. The sensations of a concentrate will mimic that of the original strain, only amplified. But remember, when it comes to cannabis concentrates with high levels of THC, the experience can be a strong one. These THC-rich products deliver potent therapeutic results, suitable for patients with a high tolerance to the intoxicating effects. We always recommend to take it slow and steady with new cannabis products, especially in the concentrate category.

Powerful and Pure, Just the Way You Want It

In our opinion, concentrates should contain all the beneficial compounds from the original strain, and nothing else. That means clean, simple, and pure products with no lingering chemicals from the extraction process. Our supplies deliver products free from heavy metals, pesticides, petrochemicals, and other contaminants.