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Passing a Drug Test: The Best THC Detox Methods

THC, tetrahydrocannabinol, is the psychoactive compound of cannabis that gets you high. Smoking, eating, or vaping cannabis can cause a variety of short-term effects like euphoria, relaxation, altered senses, and difficulty with thinking and problem-solving.

Even though both medical and recreational cannabis use is now legal in Canada, some people are still afraid to admit that they use cannabis for fear that they’ll lose their job. But what if you need to go for a drug test tomorrow? There are ways to flush THC out of your system before it has enough time to show up on your urine test. If you want to know how to cleanse THC from your system faster, here’s what you need to know!

How long does THC stay in your system?

THC is extremely fat-soluble, meaning that it sticks to fat cells in your body. When you smoke or eat cannabis, THC accumulates in your body’s fatty tissues. They are stored in the body fat for up to 30 days before they gradually leave the system altogether. The amount of time varies depending on how much you consume and how often you use weed. For instance, if you’re an occasional user, then it may just take 10 days before THC leaves your system. If you’re a regular smoker or eater of marijuana though, it could be anywhere from one to six months before THC leaves your system completely. This is because people who use cannabis on a regular basis have more fatty tissues in their bodies with higher concentrations of THC stored inside them. If this sounds like you, then don’t worry! There are ways to speed up the process of detoxing THC out of your system.

3 Best Detox Methods

  • Stop using marijuana – If you’re a frequent marijuana user who wants to know how to get THC out of your system faster, the best thing to do is stop using marijuana before the test. Depending on the type of test, you may need to take a longer break from marijuana to be THC-free.
  • Drink lots of water – However, If you’re not willing to stop using marijuana for weeks, there are ways to flush your system and get THC out of your system faster.  Because THC is gradually excreted from your system through urine, feces, and sweat, the most effective methods usually involve speeding up digestion and excreting more. Drinking plenty of water is the easiest way to get marijuana out of your system. Other fluids like cranberry juice, lemon juice, and green tea are natural detox drinks that can also help. You can also try eating protein and fiber-rich foods to stimulate bowel movement.
  • Detox Drink – There are many different detox drinks available in the market. Most detox drinks work by masking the presence of THC by adding vitamins and minerals to the urine. It’s important to note that these detox drinks do not remove THC from your body; they just hide it temporarily. They may be the fast, effective way of passing the urine test but can be quite expensive.


THC, the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana, binds to receptors in the brain and the central nervous system, producing a euphoric high. THC can be detected in the body for different lengths of time depending on a variety of factors, including how often you use marijuana, how your body processes them, and what type of test you are getting.  While these are very effective THC detox methods, none of them guarantees you to pass the drug test.

Check out BCmedichronic.org for all your cannabis needs.

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